NANeeds Assessment
NADBANKNorth American Development Bank
NAFTANorth American Free Trade Agreement
NAICSNorth American Industry Classification System
NEPADNew Partnership for Africa’s Development
n.e.s.Not elsewhere specified
NGONon-Government Organisation
NIENewly Industrialised Economies
NMENon-market Economy
NPNairobi Protocol
NPFNon-privileged Foreign
NPISHsNon-profit Institutions Serving Households
NSCNational Security Council (United States)
NTBNon-Tariff Barrier
NTDBNational Trade Data Bank (United States)
NTENew to Export
NTENational Trade Estimates Report
NTMNew to Market
NTMNontariff Measure
NVNormal Value
NVOCCNon-Vessel Operating Common Carrier