DA (D/A)Documents against Acceptance
DACDevelopment Assistance Committee (OECD)
DAFDelivered at Frontier (Incoterm)
DAVDomestic Added Value
DC (D/C)Documentary Credits
DDPDelivered Duty Paid (Incoterm)
DD (D/D)Date Draft
DD (D/D)Demand Draft
DD (D/D)Documentary Draft
DDUDelivered Duty Unpaid (Incoterm)
DEQDelivered Ex Quay (Incoterm)
DESDelivered Ex Ship (Incoterm)
DFDuty Free
DGFDevelopment Grant Facility (World Bank)
DISCDomestic International Sales Corporation
DOCUnited States Department of Commerce
DP (D/P)Documents against Payments
DPCDeferred Payment Credit
DR-CAFTADominican Republic – Central American Free Trade Agreement
DRSDebtor Reporting System
DSDispute Settlement
DSUDispute Settlement Understanding (i.e., WTO Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes)
DTISDiagnostic Trade Integration Study
DTICDepartment of Trade, Industry and Competition (thedtic)