Volume 1 | Number 4
September 2008 |

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From the Editor
Welcome to this month’s newsletter. We particularly want to highlight the 2nd annual SA International Trade & Investment Conference and Exhibition taking place in Cape Town on 30-31 October. This is a great opportunity to hear what thedti can do for you, as well as to learn about practical business opportunities, sources of funding, trade agreements and incentive schemes (we also carry a special article on the EMIA scheme in this newsletter). Local municipalities will also be given a chance to present the export promotion services they have on offer. The cherry on the top should be the opportunity to meet with international participants during the business matching meetings on the 31st.
I also want to take this opportunity to invite you to advertise on ExportHelp. The portal has attained the point where it reaches a sizable audience of more than 8 000 visitors per month and achieves over 40 000 page impressions per month. If you want to reach out to exporters and the export support community in South Africa, then ExportHelp is a targeted and affordable communication channel for you to use. Click here to view our advertising rate card.
We hope you find the other information in this newsletter of value.
Neels Bothma
Editor |
Introducing Ukraine
The World Bank classifies Ukraine as a middle-income state. Significant issues include underdeveloped infrastructure and transportation, corruption and bureaucracy. In 2007 the Ukrainian stock market recorded the second highest growth in the world of 130 percent. According to the CIA, in 2006 the market capitalisation of the Ukrainian stock market was $42.87 billion. Growing sectors of the Ukrainian economy include the information technology (IT) market, which topped all other Central and Eastern European countries in 2007, growing some 40 percent. Ukraine is worth looking at as a potential export market. Learn more about Ukraine. |
Doing business with the EU - the role of TARIC codes
If you plan to do or are already doing business with the EU, then you need to know about TARIC codes. The EU has developed a common trade policy for all member countries and to determine the tariffs applicable to your product, you first need to establish the correct TARIC code for your product. To help you in this regard, ExportHelp has put together some more information about the TARIC system. Click here to learn more. |
Doing business in ... Belgium!
Belgium may be small, but it is located in the heart of Europe and represents an important market for South African goods. We have identified a number of useful websites that will help you do better business in Belgium. |  |
Exporter registration
We have received a number of enquiries from would-be exporters regarding the process involved in registering as an exporter. As a number of our newsletter readers are still only potential exporters, we decided to investigate the process involved. It’s not as easy as we thought. To help you, we have put together a number of web pages that we hope will assist you deal with this somewhat cumbersome process. Click here to learn more about registering as an exporter.
Trade negotiations with India: Give your inputs
thedti has requested your inputs to the consultative process with regards to South Africa’s trade negotiations with India. Deadline for submission of inputs is 10 October 2008. Click here to learn more. |
Export Marketing and Investment Assistance (EMIA)
Another significant area of enquiry from exporters is about EMIA; the export incentives on offer from the Department of Trade and Industry. To try and make the EMIA scheme a bit more user-friendly for our users, we have attempted to convert the current PDF documents into online web pages that you can easily browse through. We hope we have succeeded in making these incentives easier to access and understand. Please let us know what you think. Click here to access EMIA.
Exports: Key to the future success of our nation.
In the attached article, I argue that exports contribute to generating the much needed growth to achieve the goals of our nation. Without a flourishing and healthy export sector we will be all but lost! Yet, reflecting on South Africa’s current trade situation, the future is not promising and I further argue that there is a sense of urgency to build a stronger, more competitive and purposeful export drive if we wish to turn the situation around. Exporters and the export support community need to work together to this end; a combined and focused effort is what is needed to achieve export success! |
SA International Trade & Investment Conference and Exhibition
Trade & Investment South Africa and the Provincial Investment Promotion Agencies will be hosting the Second annual South African International Trade & Investment Conference and Exhibition from the 30 to 31 October 2008 to be held at the International Convention Centre, Cape Town, South Africa.
This event is an absolute essential marketing tool to grow the economy of South Africa. It will also provide an opportunity for South African and international organisations to forge relationships and form business linkages with key players and decision makers in the various sectors globally. The conference, exhibition and business matching meetings will be used as a platform to promote South Africa as a premier investment destination and a leader in export trade.
- Click here to visit thedti website for more information and to access a delegate invitation and registration form
- Click here to download a PDF overview on this event

Book reviews
On Competition: Michael Porter
As an exporter, you get to deal with competition at every step along the way. Indeed, to succeed in global markets you need to be competitive. But what is competition and how do you become competitive? You should find the answer in On Competition, a collection of works by Michael E. Porter. This book is a critical examination of the dog-eat-dog international economy. A Harvard Business School professor, Porter is one of the most respected and innovative economists of his time. On Competition features 13 of his best articles over the past 15 years, including 2 new ones. Click here to read more.
Click here to buy the book from Amazon
Alternatively, you can contact Knowledge Resources to obtain the book - Call Rachel at (011) 880 8540 or email her at rachel@knowres.co.za |
Please note that ExportHelp cannot be held responsible for any action taken on your part based on the information we provide. Always seek legal advice before becoming contractually involved in any international trade dealings.
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