Volume 1 | Number 5
November 2008 |

Our sister sites:

ExportHelp: October website statistics |
Visitors: 10,293
Page views: 34,999
Unique Visitors: 6,900 (approx.)
Hits: 174,327
Newsletter subscriptions: 7746 |
From the Editor
I attended two conferences recently the first was the Export Risk Management conference run by Freight Training from 21-24 October, which I discuss below. The second was the 2nd Annual South African International Trade and Investment Conference and Exhibition held at the ICC in Cape Town from 30-31 October and which was organised by the dti.
This conference provided an opportunity for a variety of trade (and investment) support institutions to present their respective offerings to local exporters, as well as foreign importers and investors from around the world. While the conference was reasonably well attended, I would have liked to have seen even more exporters participating in this event. Nevertheless, my congratulations to Loraine Marshall and the dti team for their sterling efforts in organising this event.
It gave ExportHelp the opportunity to present our website to an even larger audience and from the positive feedback we received, I think we will grow from strength to strength. The picture to the left shows me strutting my stuff at the ExportHelp display which was most fortunate to be located right opposite the main entrance to the conference hall!
Neels Bothma
Editor |
Feedback from the Export Risk
Management Conference |
I also had the pleasure of attending the Export Risk Management 08 conference held at the Southern Sun OR Tambo International from 21-24 October 2008. Organised by Freight Training and presented by Phil Doran and Sean Wheeler, I found the conference most useful and very informative and having spoken to many of the other delegates, I know they feel the same way. This was one of the few conferences I have attended that I felt represented money well spent and the speakers held my attention throughout the four days and even in the late afternoons. This is an annual event, so for those of you that are interested, you should keep an eye open for this conference which will again be hosted by Freight Training more or less the same time next year. For those of you that can't wait until next year and need training or advice on export documentation and payments, Freight Training offers a number of in-house and public courses throughout the year. They also offer consulting in this area, including consulting on VAT-related trade matters. Click here to visit the Freight Training website. |
Introducing the United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates has a rapidly growing economy with a high GDP per capita and energy consumption per capital.
There are various deviating estimates regarding the actual growth rate of the nation's GDP. However, all available statistics indicate that the UAE currently has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. According to a recent report by the Ministry of Finance and Industry, real GDP rose by 35 percent in 2006 to $175 billion, compared with $130 billion in 2005. These figures would suggest that the UAE had the fastest growing real GDP in the world, between 2005 and 2006. Learn more about the United Arab Emirates. |
Criteria for technology
Both large and small businesses use technology, for simple operations all the way through to complex process controls. When selecting and planning technology applications, certain criteria need to be consider, including the need for technology and change; business functions that would benefit most; customised vs. "off the shelf" technologies; functionality, ease of use, security, need for upgrades, etc. Click here to learn more (sourced from the ITC- EMD Newsletter). |
Doing business in ... Vietnam! |
Officially called the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the country has had a rough and tough history, but as with so many other Asian countries, it has managed to pull itself up its bootstraps and today is worthy of consideration as a potential export destination and a serious source of supply. Vietnam, with a GDP of US$ 221 billion in 2007, a GDP per capita of US$ 2 589, and a population of more than 86 million, should definitely enjoy your consideration. It is a member of the WTO and a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. As South Africans we have little experience of or even knowledge of Vietnam. We've seen the war movies, but that's about all we know of Vietnam - not a lot!
The statistics show us that South Africa's imports from Vietnam of R950,4 million in 2007 exceeded our exports of R383,7 million in the same year by almost 3-fold. Vietnam's major exports include oil, footwear, articles of clothing, fish, and furniture. The country's major imports are petroleum equipment, textiles and yarns, flat-rolled iron products, fertilizers, clothing accessories, and footwear. Clearly, footwear and clothing are two important imports. In terms of our trade with Vietnam, iron, steel and aluminium products, yarns, wood and grapes were our major exports in 2007.
Africa's power supply crisis: Unraveling the paradoxes
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) faces major infrastructure challenges in its power sector, according to analysis in the IMF's Regional Economic Outlook for sub-Saharan Africa. Does this represent an opportunity for South African exporters? Click here to read more.
Are you China ready?
The US Government's China Business Information Centre has prepared a checklist to determine whether an exporter is 'China ready'. Although this resource is aimed at US exporters, it is just as applicable to SA exporters. Take the test by clicking here. The answers you should simply interpret from a South African perspective. |

Exporting requires formal agreements
When considering exporting to foreign markets, you must protect yourself legally. It is crucial that your business relationship with the foreign entity representing you is documented in an agreement. Furthermore, you must also take the appropriate steps to protect your intellectual assets prior to entering any foreign markets. Click here to read more. |
What is fair trade?
Fair trade is a way of doing business that builds equitable, long-term partnerships between consumers in developed regions and producers in developing regions across the world. It takes steps toward a just and sustainable economic system that ensures that people get paid a fair price for their work. Fair trade is neither synonymous with nor the antithesis to free trade. Fair trade promotes environmental sustainability and bio-diversity - goals articulated by many of those who advocate free trade. Click here to read more.
Sourced from GlobalEdge, Michigan State University.

| Are you export ready?
As about half of our 7 500 subscribers are potential or occasional exporters, we believe it is important for those of you that want to become more serious about exports to determine your export readiness, if you have not already done so recently. Indeed, it is probably worthwhile even for those of you that are established exporters to revisit your export readiness - it may highlight areas of weakness that you need to focus on. Click here to read more |
Executive Breakfast Workshop
Following on from the Export Risk Conference discussed earlier in this newsletter, a number of key issues came out of the conference and these are being addressed at an executive breakfast workshop organised by Freight Training to be help on the 19th of November at the Southern Sun OR Tambo International from 07h30 to 12h30. The topics to be discussed include:
- Why is it important to put a proper export sales contract together
- Why do most accounting systems fail exporters?
- Where are most companies exposed when it comes to :
- Exchange Controls
- Customs and Excise
- The SA VAT Act
- Are your export sales people exposing your company?
- What are the fines and penalties that you could incur?
- What could go wrong?
If you missed the conference, this workshop will give you an opportunity to 'catch up'. If you are interested in attending this workshop, please click here. (Only a few seats are still available.) |
Book reviews
Trading Words and Phrases
International trade is a confusing jumble of technical expressions and jargon, and there is often little or no support to help interpret the correct meaning of many of the words and phrases commonly encountered, nor are there any guidelines on the correct approach to trade related problems. Trading Words and Phrases is not a dictionary in the ordinary sense. In this book, trade-related words and phrases are not only defined, but also explained and cross-referenced to a sister publication Trade Questions and Answers, where 80 'classic' scenarios common to the SA market are explained and explored with model solutions. If you are interested in purchasing either of these two publications for your library or own use, click here.
Exporting questions and answers
Below is an example of one of the many questions and answers that you will find in the Trade Questions and Answers book published by Freight Training. Yes, I'm mentioning them again, and no they're not paying me for this – I really think that they're doing a good job and are worth promoting. Have a look and decide for yourself:
The question: We supply an overseas buyer on an almost daily basis by air. Getting the F178's attested each time is time-consuming and difficult. Our clearing agent has undertaken to do this on our behalf provided we authorise them to do so. Would this expose us or protect us do you think?
The answer: Click here.
If you attend the Freight Training executive breakfast workshop discussed above, you will receive complimentary copies of both publications! |
Please note that ExportHelp cannot be held responsible for any action taken on your part based on the information we provide. Always seek legal advice before becoming contractually involved in any international trade dealings.
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