Volume 1 | Number 1
May 2008 |
 The leading export debtors insurer on the African Continent

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From the Editor
Welcome to our launch edition of the ExportHelp Newsletter. Each month we plan to bring you a host of interesting information, news and reviews. We will try to provide at least something of interest and value to all of our users. We hope you will enjoy the newsletter and go on to tell you business colleagues about it.
Neels Bothma |
Introducing Austria!
As an industrialised nation with a relatively small domestic market, Austria is dependent to a high degree on its foreign trade. Consequently, Austria's economy is closely linked to the economies of other EU countries, particularly Germany. Austria also serves as a key gateway for goods entering Eastern europe. South African firms seeking a bridgehead into both western and Eastern Europe should use Austria as a starting point. Learn more about Austria. |
Doing business with Austria is
as easy as ABC
The Austrian Business Circle (ABC) is a registered Austrian Business Chamber in Southern Africa. The ABC represents Austrians in business in Southern Africa and the South African business sector in general. ABC works in close liaison with the Austrian Embassy, Austrian Consulate, and the Austrian Trade Commission for Southern Africa, helping to facilitate the regular exchange of information and co-operation between the two countries.
Visit them at: http://www.austrianbc.co.za/html/index.htm
Tel: 072834111, Fax: 011 442 8304
Email: members@austrianbc.co.za |
Springwise - A source of innovative ideas!
One of my favourite websites is Springwise.com. Springwise and its network of 8,000 spotters scan the globe for smart new business ideas, delivering instant inspiration to entrepreneurial minds from San Francisco to Singapore, and from Sweden to South Africa. The website is well designed, easy to use and provides some great brain food for entrepreneurial minds! Give it a visit. |
Doing business in ... India!
India is one of South Africa’s important trading partners. But are cultural differences likely to impede your success?u need to be aware of? Visit the following links to learn more about the art of doing business in India:
E-marketpaces - Introducing Alibaba.com
E-marketplaces are electronic exchanges where buyers/importers and sellers/exporters can register themselves with the view to communicating and transacting business with one another over the Internet. Perhaps the biggest of these e-marketplaces is Alibaba.com, a China-based company that has just recently go public. Click here to learn more about Alibaba.com. |
Trade prospects upbeat for Madagascar
Because it is an island, many local exporters often loose sight of Madagascar as a trading partner. The WTO recently issued a surprisingly positive trade review of South Africa’s SADC neighbour, the island of Madagascar. Floor Inc., one of South Africa’s leading trade lawyers provide an interesting overview of the trading prospects with Madacascar.Click here to read more.
- Click here to visit Floor Inc. Attorneys
- Click here to learn more about local legal firms specialising in international trade matters .

Increase the value of your product
through branding
Branding helps set the product apart from its competitors so that the brand owner can obtain additional benefits associated with the branded product. It is a critical success factor in the highly competitive foreign markets that exporters inevitably find themselves in. Click here to learn more about branding. |
South African Boat Builders export Council
The South African Boatbuilders Export Council (SABBEX) is a national export council whose mission it is, is to penetrate as many foreign markets as possible, thus building a platform for South African boat builders to demonstrate the quality of their products, thereby enhancing their export opportunities. If you are involved in the boatbuilding industry and not yet a member of SABBEX, we urge you to visit their website and join up as soon as possible. |

The International Trade Centre in Geneva is one of the leading export promotion organisations in the world. Each week we will look at one of the resources they offer exporters and this week we highlight their checklist for food safety management systems. Entitled ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Systems: An easy-to-use Checklist for Small Business: Are you Ready?, this booklet is available for only US$12 and provides small and medium enterprises with the requirements of ISO 22000. Click here to learn more.
Sources of statistics
Statistics are a key source of information for an exporter. Each issue we review an alternative source of international trade and economic statistics. This issue the focus is on the World Economic Outlook (WEO) database which presents the IMF's analysis and projections of economic developments at the global level, in major country groups and in many individual countries. You can use this database to find data on national accounts, inflation, unemployment rates, balance of payments, fiscal indicators, trade for countries and country groups (aggregates), whose data are reported by the IMF. Click here to learn more about this database. |
Book reviews
Letters of Credit and Bank Guarantees under International Trade Law by M S Kurkela
Letters of credit and bank guarantees are the most important financial instruments in international exchange. Matti S. Kurkela, a leading expert in the field, presents an advanced, extensive study and guide to letters of credit for practitioners. To learn more about this book and how to purchase it, click here.
International Marketing by S M Burgess and C H Bothma
Although International Marketing, predominantly intended as a textbook for undergraduate students, serves as an excellent reference book and best-practice guide in respect of the concepts, models, theories, facts and statistics every exporter (and probably ever local producer facing foreign competition) should be aware of. Most importantly, it has been written from a South African perspective. Click here to learn more. |

Please note that ExportHelp cannot be held responsible for any action taken on your part based on the information we provide. Always seek legal advice before becoming contractually involved in any international trade dealings.
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