Volume 1 | Number 2
June 2008 |
 The leading export debtors insurer on the African Continent

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From the EditorWelcome to our second (June) edition of the ExportHelp newsletter. Well, we just made it, managing to get the newsletter out on the last day of June. ExportHelp has been keeping us very busy and we are pleased to report that we now have just under 7 000 visitors per month and almost 40 000 page impressions. We have also managed to reach the second slot on Google.co.za for ‘export’. What is more, from the number of enquiries we are receiving for advice and help, we seem to be on the right track. We will be establishing an FAQ section soon to report on these enquiries and we have a number of other exciting information topics planned for you in the near future.
One of our readers pointed out that a piece of information that we had on the site was wrong and we have made some effort to correct the information item in question – see the article on the BOP form and CBFET reporting system
below. The result is better information in general and a better website overall and we strongly urge any reader to point out or to query any information that we have on the site with the purpose of improving our overall offering to you, our export community. Any suggestions on how we might improve our website in terms of its structure and function will also be appreciated.
Hope you enjoy this issue of our newsletter and good hunting on the export front!
Neels Bothma |
Introducing India!
India is the largest democracy in the world. It is the world's twelfth largest economy at market exchange rates and the third largest in purchasing power. Economic reforms have transformed it into the second fastest growing large economy. With such impressive credentials, it is understandable why the exporter should take an interest in this fascinating country. Learn more about India. |
Free Trade between SACU and EFTA
On 1 May 2008 a Free Trade Area (FTA) agreement between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), comprising of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, and the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) came into affect. The FTA means that the EFTA will grant goods from the SACU (including South Africa) free entry into its markets. Local exporters should therefore reconsider the EFTA countries as potential target markets for their goods. Click here to visit the Floor Inc. website for more information. |
Doing business in ... Brazil!
Brazil exports more to South Africa than we do from them. But Brazil remains an important trading partner for South Africa, especially from the point-of-view of the potential Brazil offers us. The problems SA exporters face include the cultural and language differences between the two countries. To help you learn more about the art of doing business in Brazil, we therefore recommend that you visit the following websites: |  |
SA Products and Services
Interested in getting your products and services promoted throughout Africa? Consider the SA Products and Services Magazine. This magazine is delivered to more than 40 countries throughout Africa and is a great way to market your goods and services on the African continent. For more information about advertising in this magazine, click here.

The Fresh Produce Exporter's Forum
The Fresh Produce Exporters’ Forum (FPEF) is one of several Export Councils [link to our list of Export Councils] established to promote exports from within specific industry sectors – in this case, from the fresh fruit export sector. The FPEF aims to promote a prosperous but disciplined fruit-export sector. The FPEF facilitates exports by encouraging the foreign buyers to use its members as the gateway to procuring SA fresh fruit, by providing accreditation standards, and by ensuring access to relevant, accurate and timely generic information for its members. If you are a producer or exporter of fresh fruit and not yet a member of the FPEF, we urge you to visit their website and join up as soon as possible.
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The ITC's Market News Service (MNS)
In the last issue we looked at the ITC’s food safety checklist for small exporters. This issue we examine their Market News Service (MNS). The MNS is part of the ITC’s Product Map (which we will examine in more detail in an upcoming issue of the newsletter). The MNS provides detailed market and price information on selected primary and semi-processed products of particular interest to developing countries and economies in transition. Regular access to such information is vital to companies intending to sell or buy products on international markets. The products in question include:
- Cut flowers and ornamental plants
- Fruit and vegetables
- Fruit and vegetable juices
- Medicinal plants and extracts
- Pharmaceuticals and medicaments
- Spices
Go to their website to find out more .
Exchange Control for Exporters: The BOP form and the CBFET reporting system
We recently received a query from a user regarding a reference in the ExportHelp website to a Form E. Well, we did our homework, researched the Net, spoke with the Reserve Bank and a few local banks. Click here to read what we learnt! (A big thank you to the FNB Foreign Exchange Division for their assistance).  |
Sources of Statistics
IMF's Data mapper®
Are you researching export markets? The International Monetary Fund (IMF) together with the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), have jointly developed a brand new statistical tool called Data Mapper®. This tool is an attempt to provider trade researchers with an interactive statistical visualisation and manipulation tool. Click here to learn more.
Book reviews
Export Issues for Entrepreneurs by Dr Andre Gouws
Although probably needing an update soon, this book remains a practical guide aimed at helping entrepreneurs identify and solve the problems relevant to their export situation. After working through the book, the entrepreneur should have a grasp of the basic principles of exporting in order to prepare an export marketing plan. The book is supported by a CD-Rom which incorporates a number of useful tools such as an export readiness checker. Click here to learn more.
Please note that ExportHelp cannot be held responsible for any action taken on your part based on the information we provide. Always seek legal advice before becoming contractually involved in any international trade dealings.
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