Volume 1 | Number 3
August 2008 |
 The leading export debtors insurer on the African Continent

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From the Editor
Well, we're at number three and looking forward to many more. We've got some more country information, statistical advice and a host of other topics for you. We hope you enjoy this issue!
We would like to remind you that the Department of Trade and Industry (thedti) as always remains the 'mother organisation' responsible for trade and export promotion in the country. While we try to provide you with all the information we at ExportHelp think you need on a self-help basis, should you require dti-specific help, or sector-specific or country-specific advice, thedti is just a call away. They have a team of economic representatives around the world standing ready to assist exporters break into new markets. In addition, thedti run industry sector 'desks' with experienced advisors that can help you with the information that you need. Go on, give thedti a call at 0861 843 384
Hope you enjoy this issue of our newsletter and good hunting on the export front!
Neels Bothma
from a warm Berne in sunny Switzerland
attending the World Trade Institute Summer Academy |
Introducing Angola!
Angola's economy has undergone a period of transformation in recent years, moving from the disarray caused by a quarter century of war to being the second fastest growing economy in Africa and one of the fastest in the world. In 2004, China's Eximbank approved a $2 billion line of credit to Angola. The loan is being used to rebuild Angola's infrastructure, and has also limited the influence of the International Monetary Fund in the country. According to an American think tank, oil from Angola has increased so significantly that Angola now is China's biggest supplier of oil. Learn more about Angola. |
The FSACCI - your gateway to success in France
On 1 May 2008 a Free Trade Area (FTA) agreement between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), comprising of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, and the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) came into affect. The FTA means that the EFTA will grant goods from the SACU (including South Africa) free entry into its markets. Local exporters should therefore reconsider the EFTA countries as potential target markets for their goods. Click here to visit the Floor Inc. website for more information. |
Doing business in ... Japan!
Japan is a vibrant, prosperous country with the world's second largest economy (approximately 15% of the world's economy is in Japan). Japanese consumers spend hundreds of billions of dollars on food, clothing, travel, entertainment and a wide variety of other consumer goods and services each year. The top Japanese firms are among the most efficient and best-run firms in the world. With 125 million people it's a large and important country. Technologically it is very advanced: there are about 20 million internet users and 50 million mobile phone users for example (what is more, 25% of the world's high-tech products are made in Japan). |  |
Global Sources - a leading e-marketplace

Two issues ago, we introduced Alibaba.com as one of the leading e-marketplaces in the world. This issue we turn to another 'biggy', namely Global Sources. Another Asian-based e-marketplace, Global Sources was founded in 1971 as a trade magazine serving Asian exporters seeking markets in the West. Today Global Sources facilitates two-way trade in an electronic environment comprising more than 700 000 users. Click here to learn more.
SA Capital Equipment Export Council
The SA Capital Equipment Export Council (SACEEC) is a national export council whose mission it is, is to promote the capital equipment sector on the export front. This is one of the 'active' export councils and if you fall within this sector and are not yet a member of SACEEC, we urge you to visit their website and join up as soon as possible. The capital equipment sectors involved include mining, agriculture, building and construction, beneficiation or processing, and utilities.
Trade Map - your first port-of-call for trade statistics
If you need import and export statistics on countries abroad (including their trade with South Africa and with the world), then Trade Map should definitely be your first “port-of-call’. It is the leading source of comparable trade data available from the International Trade Centre in Geneva. Click here to learn more. |
Do you know enough about UCP 600?
Exporters that are paid by means of Letters of Credit (L/Cs) need to know about the UCP 600 set of guidelines developed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and introduced to the world on 1 July 2007. Lack of knowledge about the UCP 600 could cost your firm a lot of money. Click here to learn more.  |
Book reviews
Seeing that we have been talking about UCP 600 above, it seems appropriate to highlight the official UCP 600 booklet published by and available from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). This is a 'must-have' publication for every exporter, banker, trader, lawyer, transporter, and academic, who deals with L/C credit transactions. The new UCP 600 also contains within the text the 12 Articles of the eUCP, ICC's supplement to the UCP, governing presentation of documents in electronic or part-electronic form. The publication is also available as an ebook and costs Euro30 (or about R400). Click here to visit the ICC Bookstore.
Please note that ExportHelp cannot be held responsible for any action taken on your part based on the information we provide. Always seek legal advice before becoming contractually involved in any international trade dealings.
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